Flex Your Muscles

Flex Your Muscles

Muscles are so interesting. When not used they are small, weak, and ineffective. But when exercised, flexed and strengthened they become one of our greatest assets!

Did you know that many, many things in life are like muscles? Having a good attitude, making intelligent decisions, improving yourself, and encouraging yourself and others are only a few ways that you strengthen these muscles! With a bit of intention, perseverance and enthusiasm there is very little that you can’t accomplish!

Strengthening Your Muscles

One way that you strengthen your muscles is by learning about things that run in parallel with your goals. For instance I am beginning to write a book, so the other day I was going through training about writing a book. It was fascinating!

Writing, to me, is an intimidating feat. Somehow I don’t feel overly qualified. But in the class I took, the teacher was saying how when you are writing a book, you commit to writing it. You schedule an amount of time, and then when it is time to write, you sit down and write. He said that ‘not knowing what to write’ was not an excuse to keep you from writing. You might not keep the content in the end, but you do exercise your ‘writing muscle’ which makes it easier and easier to write in the long run!

This to me was fascinating! I often don’t take the time to sit down and begin writing because I don’t have any content in my head that is along the lines of what I want to write about. But if I will be self-disciplined and simply sit down and begin writing – exercising – then slowly but surely I am able to write the quality of content that I desire! But it doesn’t happen by itself, nor does it happen well when I ‘wait for it’. The simple process of sitting down and exercising my writing muscle promotes progress!

Exercising Your Literal Muscles

Whether you are in excellent shape or not, you really ought to find an exercise routine to follow! Strengthening your muscles will help you to stay active, agile, energetic, and toned! And it doesn’t have to be an hour-long, daily intensive workout to accomplish this! 15 minutes a day, 5 days a week can make a real difference in your general health and wellness!

Several years back I had foot surgery. The surgery was involved enough that I had to stay off my foot for nine weeks! I’m like most people and am used to walking on both feet, so when I had to make the switch to using crutches and hopping around on one foot, it was difficult. The leg that I could use was incredibly fatigued! It wasn’t used to carrying my entire weight by itself.

But after a few days of exercising my muscles, strengthening the leg that I could use, I developed far more ability than I had when I first picked up the crutches. After the second or third week of being off my foot I noticed something rather startling. The leg that I had been hopping around on was toned, muscular, built. The leg that I had kept up and been careful not to use was skinny, weak, and small – especially compared to my stronger leg!

Once I realized this, I devised a set of stretches and exercises I could do to strengthen my weak leg. It wasn’t easy. But it was most definitely worth it! Little by little, strength returned to my leg. Even though I wasn’t walking on it, I was able to strengthen it in preparation for being back on it!

And the best part – my legs returned to the same size again!

All Muscles Need to be Strengthened

What are some muscles that you need to strengthen? Ever since I heard the analogy of writing being a muscle that needs to be strengthened, I realize this applies to so many areas of my life.

I need to practice gratitude to be more grateful. To give unselfishly in order to not feel taken advantage of. To serve without thought of return. Etc.

And do you know, the more I focus on strengthening my muscles and giving more of myself, the less I notice what’s missing. When I do someone a favor, simply to be kind, it no longer matters whether or not they notice or comment. True, I love it when they do, but when my focus is giving to them and not on what response I receive, then I give more joyfully and un-begrudgingly – and that is how I want to give!

This, like all other muscles, is a muscle that I am constantly having to exercise and strengthen.

Let me ask again, what muscles are you going to exercise? I’d love it if you would share! I’m sure you will inspire me and others!

Until Next Time!


PS. I wrote a post with different recommendations for discovering an exercise routine here – be sure to read it if you need some ideas!


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