Inspiration is Everywhere

It is said that you will find what you look for. I love to look for inspiration. It fuels my days and fills me with hope! And when I look around, I find that inspiration is everywhere.

Let me share some fresh inspiration I have recently found or realized. Sometimes it is a phrase from a TV show that encourages me and helps me out of a rut! More generally, it is a passage of Scripture, a reminder of God’s love. I even find encouragement in my little nephews and nieces simple questions or statements. Inspiration is everywhere – you just have to look for it!

Scripture is my favorite form of inspiration. No matter what I’m struggling with, there are multiple verses to remind me that God is in control and that He loves me. Even when days are a bit difficult – things can be sometimes – God’s Word fills me with peace and hope. Certainty that He has the whole world in His hand and that He will accomplish His perfect plan in His perfect time. I just have to practice being patient and secure in that knowledge!

The land and the sky are another incredible form of inspiration to me! I feel like God is closer when you are outside in His creation! (Now I also greatly appreciate a roof over my head and the pleasure of heat / air conditioning! There is just something about the outdoors that especially delights me!) I think that is why I enjoy our vacations so much. Walking and driving in the incredible scenery – admiring the landscapes and the amazing world He has created! It delights me like nothing else!

In the last year and a half I have started working outside the home six days a week. Up until then I always worked from home, but lately I’ve been driving to work into the sunrise and returning home driving into the sunset. This time has filled me with a whole new appreciation of God’s delight in making the sky uniquely beautiful. No two sunsets or sunrises are alike! The sun sifting through the trees, sun rays dancing, clouds on fire – it is always uniquely beautiful!

Reading is another area I find inspiring. Right now I am reading about the story behind Sam Houston and the Alamo. The history and the stories that all intertwined are just incredible! So many details and such admirable commitment to do what these men thought was right! The courage and the intelligence that they had is so much more detailed than what I read about briefly in history class.

There is so much inspiration to be found for life or business in reading self-help, biographies, history, etc. I also enjoy a select number of fictional books too. I’m terribly picky, as I think fictional books are more something you treat yourself to not something you read all the time. But when you find stories that are sweet and that remind you to look for and recognize the beauty around you, I think these can be inspiring too.

And finally, as I mentioned above, even TV shows and movies can hold pieces of inspiration. Much like fictional books, I believe there is a time and a place for them. But somehow simple – yet profound – quotes from movies can be very memorable and inspiring.

Where do you find inspiration? Really think about it. You might be surprised at your answer! I find that when I forget the frustration of a task, I often find inspiration!

Until Next Time!


PS. Is there any specific encouragement you might be needing right now? Just send me an email – I’d be so happy to send some your way!

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