Not a Big Deal

Not a Big Deal

It’s really not a big deal, I suddenly reminded myself the other day as I reflected on a situation. My subconscious had been working overtime and I could literally feel my shoulders tensing up over it. But thankfully, something broke that train of thought and I was able to reassure myself of what was truly important. What mattered in the here and now – and this didn’t.

Your perspective on a situation can really change your mood. It can bring you down, even make you feel defeated. But on the other hand, you have the choice to not fuel the concern. You can shift your focus to something more excellent and encouraging!

Does shifting your focus magically make the concerns go away?

Of course not.

But here is an extraordinary thought – as much as shifting your thoughts doesn’t make the concern go away, perhaps the concern was only alive in your imagination so it disappears on its own. In other words, I find that many concerns are imagined – both on a personal basis and by those who share their concerns with me.

I’m not saying all concerns are imagined, but many are! And the knowledge that we can simply shift our thinking, abandon our imagined concerns, and free ourselves to go further in life is just remarkable!

Shifting our thinking requires being aware and alert. If we let our minds wander aimlessly you can bet they will find concerns. And I am right there with you. My mind wanders from hither to yon all by itself! I can start off pondering topics for this blog and wind up thinking about my senior year of high school. No commonality in these topics necessarily, but that doesn’t slow down my wandering mind!

Worries and concerns will come along

I rather think it is part of being human. And that is why as humans, we are encouraged and inspired to be Christ-like. Not that we will ever actually reach perfection, but that we might aim for ongoing improvement!

Next time you catch yourself concerned or worrying about a situation, mentally step back and consider how important, how real it truly is. Even if it seems the whole world is tumbling around you, consider how close and real the concern is in this moment.

And hold fast to these wonderful reminders: God promises to protect His people. He says that when we please Him even our enemies will be at peace with us. He promises to always provide His people with food, clothing, and shelter. Etc. His words are not idle words, they are literally the most reliable thing in this world!

So those little things in the back of your mind bugging you, don’t let them get to you. When compared to God’s promises and protection, they are truly not that big a deal. Remember this and remind yourself of this!

Not that big a deal

Going back to the situation I referenced that had me feeling tense and uneasy, as I reminded myself that it didn’t really matter that much and wasn’t a big deal, I truly had a sense of calm come over me. My wandering thoughts had had me keyed up, and those simple words calmed me right down. It was all good, God had the situation and I didn’t need to concern myself. It was remarkable!

That whole “change your thinking, change your life” isn’t just a catchy phrase. It is a very real tool that we can use if we want to pursue excellence!

I pray this encourages you and inspires you to think more intentionally!

Until Next Time!


PS. I came across a neat quote by Mark Twain, “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” I found that quite inspiring!

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