Mental Toughness

Mental Toughness

Mental toughness isn’t a common phrase, but it is rather catchy and I think it is a good topic to consider and develop!

To have mental toughness we have to have a sort of confidence and certainty in what we know. Not that we will ever have all the answers or always be right, but rather that we will step into who God has called us to be and claim the gifts He has given us.

Well Equipped

It is important to remember that God equips us for the plans He has for us. We can either step into those plans and claim the provision that He gives or we can sit back and make minimal progress. Progress requires work and courage. God certainly goes before us and paves our way, but He didn’t design us to simply sit back and have life handed to us.

When we realize that we are not limited by our own personality or tendencies, remarkable things can happen! Opportunities and ideas that once seemed far out of reach begin to come into focus. Not through our own strength, but rather through the strength God gives us.

I love the Scripture (2 Timothy 1:7) that says that we are not made with a spirit of fear or timidity, but rather self control, power and love. Our natural selves if left to themselves would talk us out of anything, would recommend the safe, easy route.

Developing a Quiet Strength

I completely get this. If the world hadn’t been so busy identifying with introverts, I think I would have been quick to identify with them. Quiet, withdrawn, not a huge people person – in essence, safe and quiet. But when the world was so quick to identify with them, it really gave me reason to ponder if this was something I wanted to be associated with. Was being a withdrawn, quiet person really what brings glory to God? Being an introvert sounds a lot like being a self-centered person.

As this realization occurred to me, I found myself working to overcome my own weaknesses of seeking personal comfort first and worked towards helping make sure others were comfortable. Not because I’m this noble person, but truly because I believe it is what I need to do to bring glory to God. I’ve done this with shaky knees and an unsteady voice. And though it has gotten easier – amidst some really uninspiring moments – I still can find it difficult to conquer this self-centered comfort.

Mental toughness has been key in making progress in this area. I used to be quick to grade – or really degrade – my efforts, but now I just cheer myself on. Progress, I say {even if it’s barely any}. A tiny bit of progress is still progress.

Becoming Mentally Tough

Being mentally tough is also key in developing a spine. Some people can be talked in and out of things easily. They rely on other people telling them what to think or do. But when you are mentally tough you weigh what others have to say against what you know. You aren’t tossed around in the wind depending on who you have been talking to most recently.

Mental toughness doesn’t mean that you no longer have struggles or feelings, but rather that when things get to you or get you down, you rebound back stronger than before. I had a real opportunity to exercise this not too long ago. I was told some hard news and the news got to me, it hurt. But thankfully, mental toughness kicked in and I reminded myself that I am still the same person as I was the day before, I just had a new awareness of something.

Becoming a Better You

A lady should have a certain mental toughness about her. It should equip her and make her courageous, but not strip her of her femininity. Tenderness, beauty, kindness, these are all most important for a woman to possess. But a hint of feminine vibrancy, strength and courage are essential too!

Don’t allow yourself to be limited by your feelings. Feelings can be deceptive and misleading. Remind yourself of who God says you are, what He has called you and equipped you to do, and then confidently and gracefully press on! Even if you are nervous or uncomfortable. God directs and paves a way for us, but it is up to us to claim that strength and mental toughness!

I pray this has inspired you in your day to day life! I love the realization that God has equipped us for that which He created us! Cast aside your negative self doubt and self talk and remind yourself of His incredible provision!

Until Next Time!


PS. This idea of mental toughness and courage has truly helped me step into more in my life. If you could use some encouragement and inspiration, I recommend you be sure to read this:

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