Appreciate the Little Things

Appreciate the Little Things

How often do we take things for granted? I find the busier I get, the more I tend to overlook my blessings. And it’s not that I do this on purpose – who does? – but rather that I get lazy in my gratitude. But that’s what we’re going to consider today, just how important it is to appreciate the little things.

Little Things can be Big Things

What might be little to us, might be enormous to another person. For instance, drawing from personal experience, years ago I had to wear a foot cast and stay off my foot following a broken bone. Once I got the hang of my crutches, I did pretty well getting around, but there was the rare occasion that I would sit down and someone would lean my crutches up for me – out of my reach. Without those crutches, I was stuck (I am simply not good at hopping!).

And just like that, something as simple as jumping up to get a glass of water, turn on a light, or retrieve an item became super complex. Carrying items was doubly difficult because I had to hang on to my crutches (though I quickly discovered carrying a bag to put things in really helped!)

As my foot began to heal, I could take the cast off it to let it rest and relax. But again, if I needed something such as the light or a cup of water, it was a long 100 step process (not really 100, just long!) to go accomplish said task. So many times I thought I have to be sure I appreciate the little things, like being able to dash and do something really quickly, once I’ve recovered.

That simple experience has left an impression. Now if I am feeling a little sluggish or lazy or like I don’t want to make one more trip, I am often prompted to consider how simple and easy it is for me, compared to how it could be. That usually gets me hustling and helps me remember not to feel inconvenienced!

Little Things in the Everyday

I want to be sure to appreciate the little things in the everyday moments. Small things truly add up and if I didn’t have them I would definitely miss them! I don’t mean to come across as petty, but truly just working to be more appreciative!

Time spent with others – this one is so important to me! I love spending time with my people! Be it a simple conversation, working together, or a day out and about, time with those I care about means a lot to me. I try to be present and intentionally mindful of this because it is an area with which I struggle. My mind is constantly racing ahead to what I need to be working on or thinking about next, so much so that I can gloss over where I am currently. And that is definitely not how I want to spend the precious time I have with others!

Perks – be it a cup of coffee, a text that makes me smile, or a simple glass of water, I want to be sure to pause – if only for a moment – to soak it in! True, these things can seem exceedingly simple, but if I didn’t have them I would miss them dreadfully! I’d rather enjoy them now and move on with the knowledge that I appreciated them while I had them! There is no time for regrets!

What Do You Appreciate?

What do you notice and appreciate? What stands out to you as important to intentionally soak in and enjoy? I recently had a friend share that due to medical reasons, she couldn’t swim in a pool or take a shower. I never knew this! She handles this so gracefully, she really inspires me. This was just another incredible reminder to me to be sure to appreciate the little things in my life. To praise God for His blessings, large and small.

Until Next Time!


PS. Is there a topic you would be interested in me writing about? Just send me an email or comment below!

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