Part of the Process

Part of the Process

It’s all part of the process. Each tiny, infinitesimal detail in this thing called life. Whether we are in the middle of a large or small project, working with a team or on our own, each dimension is a part of the process.


Most of what we do can be broken into stages. Perhaps this comes from learning about goal setting, but if you step back and look at what you do you will often find that each task is several tasks in one. Even something as simple as fixing a sandwich is a process of getting out the sandwich makings, assembling them, cleaning up and putting things away again.

I find a lot of comfort and reassurance in considering the different stages of situations, especially when I am faced with uncertainties. Unknowns always surround us. Many go by unnoticed as they are more familiar to us than others. But if we slow down a moment, we will realize that we face many uncertainties without letting it faze us. We don’t know exactly what will or won’t be in stock at the grocery store, and yet we go undaunted. We’ll either find what we need, find alternatives, or decide we don’t need it anyway.

Some uncertainties may seem more serious. Building relationships from the ground up can be hard. But as a quote reminded me the other day, “Hard is not necessarily a bad thing.” I personally want quality relationships. Not that I expect every relationship to be as deep as another, but rather I want to bring my best to the table at whatever level that relationship is. And just like any other case in life, there will be unknowns, there will be times of waiting, and there will be trials. It’s all part of the process.

Embrace Your Life

It is vital that you embrace your life, the here and now. Yes, definitely look forward to the future and anticipate what is ahead, but also be present and intentional in the present. The present is incredibly fleeting, it quickly slips into the past. Sometimes we can get so wrapped up looking ahead or reflecting on what’s past that we just let the present go unappreciated. But just as Scripture says, “This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it” I want to be sure to focus on the here and now with a grateful heart.

Like myself, you probably have dreams and expectations – that’s a good thing! Ask God what He wants for you. Ask Him to reveal it as only He can. And then ask Him to place that desire in your heart, a real want and longing for just what He has for you. I can’t imagine anything more wonderful than desiring what God has for me! Talk about setting yourself up for victory!

One last thing that I will share, that I’ve shared before but needed the reminder myself so I’ll pass it along –

"Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come." - Jer 33:3

God has remarkable things for us ahead! Things we can’t see or even imagine! I love to ask Him about this verse, to quote it and say, what will you show me Lord?! And then ask again, not to pester just to remind Him that you are looking to Him. He has your attention! In time, He will reveal something incredible to you. You’ll know it when you see it – and then you will recognize it as something extra special from Him! It is fun to anticipate and be on the lookout for!


Life is like a sin wave (for those of us who have done Algebra and Advanced Math) or even the waves on the shore – highs and lows, up and down. But God is our constant. We can rest in peace knowing that if we are giving our best and looking to Him, everything we go through is all part of the process to grow us into who He has created us to be.

It is an incredible journey, even incredibly hard sometimes. But so long as we keep our eyes on Him, we can know that all things are working together for our good. To God be the glory!

Until Next Time!


PS. One of my favorite reminders when I’m feeling stuck in a rut:

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