Without Reservation

Without Reservation

God is faithful and we can trust Him without reservation. – George Muller

I’ve recently begun reading an autobiography on George Muller. I was familiar with him due to having read a biography of him in school. He lived back in Germany in the 1800s and was head of an orphanage. I also recall him coming up in church as a man of great faith and an effective prayer.

While ordering some gifts, I came across his autobiography and ordered it too. I like to read about those of faith who have come before us. Their words and lives can be so inspiring!

Without Reservation

Though just a simple line in a paragraph in the middle of a chapter, this phrase caught my attention. “Trust God without reservation,” what a powerful thought!

I’d love to say, oh yes, that’s what I do – and in all areas of my life! But the simple matter is I know it is what I need to do, but something I have to work to do moment by moment – and I fail at it constantly! But the victory isn’t found in perfect performance, but rather our heart and effort towards giving God our best.

Even just the idea of trusting God without reservation is incredible! I love to try to picture how that would look if I performed as perfectly as I can imagine. How might I be my best for God? How would this effect my work, my relationships, my thoughts, my plans, etc? So many details and areas to consider!


George Muller had another interesting point regarding a Christian’s work. He said not to expect or even try to make your work standards look like those of others around you. As Christians we are called to hold a higher standard and so everything – including our work – should reflect that!

We shouldn’t worry or fret as to how we will make ends meet but rather, if we will give God our best and trust Him without reservation He will certainly bless us!

Interestingly, we must remember that this doesn’t mean it will be easy. But rather that God will be with us every step of the way. Even when we are walking through the trials, the struggles, He is with us always!

It’s also important to remember that struggles and trials are a good thing as they strengthen us and remind us to look to God! It is in the valleys and the struggles that we grow stronger. And in those trying moments it is essential that we remember we have the hope of brighter days!


We are surrounded by relationships – be they casual, familial, or personal. Some feel effortless while others require deliberate effort. And then there are those that are developing and growing.

Relationships help us stretch and grow and if they are truly good relationships, they inspire us to draw closer to God. Scripture says to be mindful of who we spend our time with. Iron sharpens iron, but bad company corrupts good morals.

A while back I felt I really didn’t have any friends. Perhaps I was too busy with work or maybe I was just feeling dramatic. I remember praying that God might bring a friend into my life. And instead of necessarily bringing a friend, He inspired me to be more of a friend to those around me.

Don’t rush out looking for relationships when perhaps God needs you to work on growing relationships with those right around you, be it your family, your coworker, etc. He never places us by accident and He is incredible at bringing people into our lives at the perfect time!

Thoughts and Plans

We want to be sure to trust God without reservation in regards to our plans and dreams. I truly believe that if you will do your imperfect best to pursue His will for your life, He will guide your dreams to line up with what He has for you.

This is something that I am constantly trying to do. I wish I could say you’ll get to the point where it is second nature, and for sure there will be times when it is, but there will be so many times when you have to refocus and recommit to this ideal. So much of pursuing God and being the best we can be is realizing that we need to renew our efforts and try again.

Trusting God without reservation is especially important to do in our thoughts. Our thoughts are the little conversations we have within ourselves and it is essential that we are attentive. As Scripture says, as a man thinks so is he. May we hold our thoughts captive and fill our mind with things which bring glory to God!

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. – Philippians 4:8

Trust God

God has amazing plans for our lives, may we pursue Him and give Him our best! May we boldly step forward, confident in His faithfulness, trusting Him without reservation.

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2021/05/19/all-things-work-together/

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