Faith Can Move Mountains

Faith Can Move Mountains

Faith can move mountains, that’s what we’re told. If you believe in something, even in the smallest way, just a hint of an idea, remarkable things can be accomplished.

What do you believe?

Do you believe that God can do incredible things? I certainly do! He has no limits and is capable of accomplishing things far beyond our imagination. I believe He gives us a vision for what He has for us. An inclination towards His plans. I think that is why we have particular strengths in certain areas or even dreams of what we want to accomplish. I believe that is Him giving us a hint of what’s ahead.

But how can you know for certain? I can’t really answer that for you. In my life, I think there are areas where God has shown me what’s ahead. This doesn’t mean I have all the answers for the journey to that destination, but just that I caught a glimpse of it. How can I be sure it wasn’t my imagination? Well, I have a pretty good imagination and this picture, this glimpse, is different. Only time will tell, but until this dream is fulfilled or nullified, I will give it my best and press towards it.

And I can do this in confidence knowing that God doesn’t set me up for failure. He’s not trying to trick me into believing something that is not. I pray often about these visions He shows me. I ask that He show me how to pursue them, and that He help me keep my eyes on Him and His perfect will. With hope and confidence I can press on because I am sure that He will lead where He needs me. I also feel a certain certainty in these glimpses when I don’t have a clue how they will work out, it will take an act of God so to speak.

And isn’t this where faith steps in? If we had all the answers in a handy step by step formula that led to the conclusion of this dream we wouldn’t need to exercise faith, would we?

Faith the size of a mustard seed

I had an interesting thought regarding faith recently. Christ talked about having faith the size of a mustard seed, to me that represents the hint of the dream that we might see. He also talks about having no doubts. And to be honest, this is hard for me. I’d love to have blind confidence here, but the truth is I am just as human as the next person. Yet I press on, reminding myself of the promises or dream I’ve been given and I exercise my faith to disregard the doubt and unknowns.

Another picture Christ presents in reference to faith is the idea of moving a mountain into the sea. Such an interesting analogy! Perhaps the mountain represents our doubts or problems. They seem enormous, mountainous even. The sea, water – at least to me – represents peace and calm. It washes away our troubles and brings peace. It calms and refreshes. So in essence, perhaps we might see this verse as saying that when we exercise our faith and resist doubt that our problems – no matter how large – are capable of being washed away.

Isn’t that an exciting picture?! Ooh that we could experience this peace and calm all the time. But again, as I’ve often said, I think the worries of the world are just to remind us how very much we need God. And I do believe He created us to need Him!

Faith Can Move Mountains

Let me just challenge you to exercise your faith. Pursue what God has placed on your heart. Definitely use intelligence and don’t run after it blindly, but also make sure that you don’t try to postpone working towards something until you think you have all the answers. You’ll never get far if you wait for that. But if you’ll ask God to show you what He has for you, He will reveal each step along and along. He likes us to be in close fellowship with Him and what better way to be than to be looking to Him for direction?!

I hope these thoughts encourage and bless you!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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