Your Dearest Wish

Your Dearest Wish blog

What is your dearest wish?

Sometimes this question is easier to answer while other times, and possibly most times, it can catch you off guard. Lately I’ve been considering it. I have something dear to my heart and I would tell you that seeing it come about is my dearest wish, and yet I have to pause and reconsider what is most dear to me.

As a Christian, I believe serving God to the best of my ability and wanting what He has for me is my dearest wish. It has to be. And yes, I have other, more earthly shall we say, wishes that I hold very dear indeed, but I have to keep God as my number one. Hopes and dreams can be disappointed but a steadfast heart in God has a security like none other.

Easier Said than Done

I’ll be honest, this is easier said than done, especially with things I hold very dear. And yet, I am constantly reminded that I must keep God my number one! Not that people go around reminding me of that but rather the Bible tells me that God wants no other gods before Him. To me these gods represent anything we hold more dear than Him.

Doesn’t this feel stifling, you might wonder? I think it all comes back to attitude. When my attitude is to surrender my all to God and follow His lead, then it can feel like direction. Not that being human I don’t react to said direction, but my goal is to be in agreement with God’s lead.

But when I’m feeling self-righteous and that I should be able to make calls on my own in some areas, there is definitely friction. And things don’t go well.

Press On

Just because you might have a glimpse of something or even feel that you are pursuing what God has for you, that doesn’t automatically mean it will be easy. Things can be hard, especially as girls and women and emotions get involved. But seek God and press on!

All good things take time and work! And remember, what is too easily attained is too lightly valued. Celebrate the work knowing that it draws you closer to God!

Stay in prayer too. Never underestimate the value of a conversation with God. He inspires like nothing else!

For the last (almost) year I’ve been working on something. It is hard and I hold it very dear indeed. It feels like an uphill climb and I wonder how it will all work out. But if I look back, I truly believe God presented this opportunity to me two years ago and told me this is what He had for me.

It took me about a year of telling God I really didn’t see it and Him presenting different dimensions of it to me before I really had the true desire to step into it. I’d tell Him, God, you’ll have to change my heart, I don’t see it. Let me tell you, He changes hearts and I definitely see it now.

Not There Yet

But this dear wish isn’t fully realized yet. Somedays it feels like I’m on the edge of it, almost there, while other times I wonder if I’ll see the realization of it or if I misunderstood God.

While I’m not particularly proud of my uncertainty, I don’t doubt my God. In my prayers, I remind Him of the dream He has given me and thank Him for it. I also remind Him that my dreams are His and I want them to reflect what He has for me. Guide my heart to want what You have for me, I pray.

And just like Mary in the Bible, I store up the promises He has given me in my heart. And I work to have expectant hope in this dear wish while also surrendering it to Him simultaneously. He is a good, good Father and I know His ways are higher than my ways.

What If He Says No

What if this dear wish doesn’t come about? Honestly, the thought of it breaks my heart. And yet I know that God will give me grace through anything if I will keep my focus on Him.

He offers this grace generously to His people, so you too have this gift. But it is up to us to accept it and lean into it.

That doesn’t mean it will be painless and easy, but rather that in time all will work out even better than we could ever dream. And that’s important to remember!

What Does the Future Hold?

I don’t know what the future holds for you or for me, but I know Who holds the future and that gives me great hope! I also know the dreams God has placed on my heart now so I will give Him my best and lean in to them to the best of my ability! And until He changes my dream or gives me a new dream, I will believe for this dream as surely as I feel that He has led me to it, because I truly feel He has.

And no, it’s not easy. But truly, I value it all the more because of the work involved! If it was easy it would not hold near the meaning.

I pray this encourages you as it has encouraged me! Let’s keep praying and believing for those precious wishes God has given us, while also remembering that God is what we hold most dear.

Until Next Time!


PS. Is there a topic you would like me to write about? Let me know!

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