I Can Do All Things

I Can Do All Things

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13

I was reminded of this verse the other day. The timing was spot on, unbelievably so. Something difficult was going on and I just wasn’t feeling up to it. And then it was if this verse came as a message from God Himself. I had to read it several times, really try to let it sink in.

I wish I could say that I had a complete heart change, that my faith and courage were magically restored and I went about my day with a spring in my step. But the truth of the matter is that while it brought a tear to my eye, it brought hope to my heart. A still, quiet reassurance that God held me in the palm of His hand and He would equip me for every step ahead.

But I have to keep claiming that reassurance, that security in God. The doubts and uncertainties can so often be louder than what we know in our heart.

What We Know

And I think that’s one reason it’s so important to know what we know. To know what Scripture says about God and how He loves us, to claim that love and find rest in it.

Just as we have to take time to cultivate the relationships around us, we must take time to grow our relationship with God. This is the most important relationship we will have in life!

He teaches us through His word and through His creation. It is fascinating what we can learn if we will just look for Him. And we can ask Him to reveal Himself to us in our everyday lives and moments.

Writing this is so much more than putting words together, but rather asking God what He has taught me and what I might share with others. I really believe that writing helps me look more carefully for God in my life. It makes me more aware of special moments that could only be explained by His love and care.

He Gives Strength

As I mentioned earlier, I sometimes feel ill equipped for what I have to do. Be it dealing with the IRS or growing a relationship there are unknowns and frustrations. But God is so good to lead us gently, one step at a time. We don’t see the whole picture or know all the answers because if we did, we wouldn’t need God.

But even though He doesn’t give us all the answers, He does give us the strength to perform well where He has us. And that is my dearest wish, to perform well where He has me. I pray that I always hold that most dear.

And this strength, that could only come from Him, fills me with hope and a new resolve to have determination and courage for where He has directed me! Whether I feel it in the moment or not, I want to act as though I feel it knowing that the true feeling will follow in due time.

How much more can we delight in something when we have worked hard to maintain our courage and resolve and determination for it! As the saying goes, what is attained too easily is valued too lightly. I would so much rather work incredibly hard for something remarkably wonderful!

You Can Do All Things

All this to say, remember Who equips you. Lean in to His strength, seek His favor and direction, cling to His promises and He will lead you every step of the way. You are well equipped for where He has you! Step confidently into where He leads and claim the strength He so generously gives!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/

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