Complete Surrender

Complete Surrender

What is complete surrender? To me, it is not letting things become too important to me. Yes, I definitely believe we should be hopeful and get our hopes up, but at the same time not hold too tightly to what we are hoping for.

It used to be that I was cautious and careful not get my hopes up. That way one doesn’t get too disappointed, right? But no, Scripture is filled with references to hope and believe and wait expectantly!

So how do we find this perfect balance – how can we be filled with hope and yet not hold on too tightly to things that are important to us? Like everything else, it takes constant adjustments and looking to God for direction.

Complete Surrender

Complete surrender – I don’t know how else to put it. Setting aside my wants and preferences knowing that God sees the bigger picture and has a perfect plan for me. Saying – and meaning – Your will, not mine, be done.

I find that the more I let go, the more I surrender my wants and desires to God, the more clearly He leads me. And that is exactly what I want – to understand His leading! But that doesn’t mean it is always easy, in fact it is often difficult. Not because I don’t trust Him, but rather because I can be stubborn.

But in those moments when I realize I’m being stubborn, I try to submit to God and tell Him, I know this is my own desire, but lead me to want what You have for me. Because if this is not what God has for me than I don’t want to want it! My heart is to be so focused on God and what He has for me that I am peace with where He leads!

Choose Hope

It is a wonderful thing to be filled with hope! An expectant, unwavering God-is-more-than-able hope! This is the attitude I want to have!

When skies are gray or life is difficult, it is so important to remember where our hope is found! Hope helps us remember that brighter days are ahead, God has the details, and He is a good Father!

One of my favorite verses about hope is Hebrews 10:23. My little niece loves to share Scripture verses with me that have the word “hope” in them and this is one she included in my birthday card:

“Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise.”

His promise to guide and provide for us as we seek Him is the most wonderful thing in the world! What a gift and a blessing!

Your Will, Not Mine

A lady once told me that her prayer was that if something wasn’t God’s plan for her, that He might block the possibility of it. It takes a lot of courage and surrender to set your affections aside for God’s will, but it is definitely the best decision you can possibly make!

When we come before God and give Him our hopes and dreams, He has a way of either bringing them to pass or replacing them with something even better! But we must have hearts to receive His blessings, to know that He is working all things for our good, and that His ways are far better than our ways.

For my birthday they brought me a slice of a delicious chocolate cake with a single candle on it. I was told to make a wish and blow it out, and in that instant, my heartfelt wish turned to a prayer. Your will, not mine, be done, Lord.

My Utmost for His Highest

May all that I am bring glory to His name! Isn’t that why we are here, to give Him our best and to bring glory to His name? To reflect Him in our words and actions, that we might draw others to Him?

When you are able to have your hopes and dreams and yet rest in knowing that He has a perfect plan for you, you have reached complete surrender. Hopeful, expectant, and at ease with Him in charge! It is a special place to be and one to aspire to day by day, moment by moment.

I hope these words have brought you a new peace, a new hope in what’s ahead! God has incredible plans for you!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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