When You Grow Up

When You Grow Up

Have you ever wondered what you are going to be when you grow up?

I imagine it is something most young adults ponder! The whole world lies open before them and opportunity is just knocking at their door. The potential of what you might do and could be is exciting to say the least.

But I have a fun thought to throw at you, just because you graduate high school or college and have chosen your vocation to pursue, doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to dream about what’s ahead! Perhaps you’ve chosen to pursue retail but your real dream is to work from home while raising a family.

The lovely thing is, nothing is cast in concrete and you can shift your work and focus as life presents new opportunities!

Where do you Begin?

I think it is good to have somewhere to start. As young adults, we should seek counsel from those we admire and really consider our options.

If your family is in the farming industry, perhaps you want to help grow that. You could even consider new elements of farming to bring to the family business. Maybe you have a friend whose family is in retail. Consider working with them some to see if that is where your interest lies.

Back when I was finishing high school, there was a real push to do what interests you. And I think there is a lot to that. But I also think there is a balance in finding what you have to do interesting.

We all have seasons in our life and the truth of the matter is that every season might not be what we would choose, but it is up to us to make the most of it!

Make the Most of It

This leads to a relevant thought: if you want to truly live your best life, you should make the most of it! Every day, moment by moment, look for the good and the lovely.

The truth of the matter is that even if you are doing your dream job, odds are good there are elements of it that aren’t your favorite. But if you will do it all for God’s glory without grumbling or a lousy attitude, then you will find even more joy in your work!

And even if you are not doing your dream job, let me just encourage you to give your best where you are. God loves a cheerful worker, this pleases Him and your attitude will reflect who He is in your life!

One other thought I will leave you with – seasons change. Always do your best to fill your current role well all the time knowing God has something better for you just around the corner! True this may take a long time, but wonderful things are worth the wait!

When You Grow Up

So what will you be when you grow up? You’ve got the rest of your life to find out! Look to God for direction and make the most of where He has you. Definitely pursue your interests as you can, but don’t stress that you are “behind” on life. Everybody’s life is unique and there is no too late or too old in God’s eyes.

Whenever I feel as if I’m not accomplishing things in a timely manner, I love to remember Habakkuk 2:3 –

This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.

I know I’ve shared this verse before, but I need the reminder often. To me, the vision is the dream in my heart, whatever it may be. It can seem slow coming, slow being realized and becoming reality. And I have to practice patience knowing that no matter how slow, it hasn’t been delayed, it will surely take place! That is an incredible promise and one I need to lean in to, more and more!

Until Next Time!


PS. I go into more detail on this verse here: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2017/03/31/be-prepared-and-be-patient/

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