Complete Trust

Complete Trust

Complete trust. Absolute. Unquestioning.

That is how we can trust God in our lives! His Word is full of His promises, His laws, and His expectations for His people. When we follow those laws, seek Him with our whole heart, pursue Him in all we do, we strengthen our trust and learn to follow Him better!

Pursue Him

How exactly do we pursue God? By learning His law and inviting Him into our life. Scripture says to pray without ceasing. To me, this indicates keeping Him front and center of all you do.

Remembering that you should always do your best as if you were working for God, not man.

Seeking His counsel in matters big and small.

Thanking Him for blessings, and even challenges, knowing that they give direction and are another way that He leads.

Praising His glorious handiwork while admiring the sky or the land, appreciating all the many ways He delights us.

There are many, many ways to pursue Him. Keep Him front and center, keep your gaze constantly on Him and the works of His hands!

Our Whole Heart

I believe we have hopes and dreams for a reason. I also think it is of the utmost importance to give those hopes and dreams to God, to fully commit them to Him.

We have a Bible verse that hangs on our wall and it reminds me daily to commit my plans to God. I love that reminder.

Sometimes in my excitement I can begin to set my expectations on something, but this verse quickly reminds me to give it back to God, knowing that He will orchestrate things perfectly in His time and in His way.

I pray to not only go through the motions of committing my plans to God, but to mean it sincerely, deeply. I give Him not only the big and important hopes and dreams, but also my expectations for the day, my routine to do list.

I want to seek Him in all things, even when it is hard or when I have my own idea of how I think things should go. It is especially important for me to recommit my expectations to Him in these times!

Follow His Laws

In order to follow His laws, we must know His laws. Become familiar with His word, meditate on it.

If you haven’t spent much time reading the Bible, it can seem an intimidating task to start. But I promise you, if you will pursue reading it and learning about God, it will change your life!

Sometimes a plan is all you need to get started. Perhaps reading a chapter a day is how you want to start out. Nothing overwhelming so you don’t quit in three days. Or perhaps you share a name with someone in the Bible – look up their story! It can be exciting reading your name and learning history!

Perhaps you want to focus on joy or hope or love, consider highlighting the Scriptures as you come across verses that speak to you! I’ve read the Bible for 25+ years and verses still surprise, delight and inspire me today! God speaks through His word and it is a gift for us! What better way to appreciate this gift and learn about our Father than to read it and do our best to live according to it?!

Complete Trust

Complete trust in God is what I’m pursuing. There are many, many unknowns in life. I make mistakes, I am uncertain about things, and I am often filled with questions.

But one thing I know is that I can trust God completely. I ask Him to direct my heart in the way He would have me go. Even when I don’t understand all the details, I do my best to place one foot in front of the other.

I spend time reading and meditating on His word. I want to be my best for Him! And as Scripture says, if we seek Him we will find Him!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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