Do the Right Thing

Do the Right Thing

In life, it is vitally important to do the right thing. That doesn’t mean it is always – or even often – easy, but that should never deter us.

Determining what to do in life based on an easiness factor should never be our compass. Challenges help us grow and shape our character.

I’ve heard it said that who you are poor is the same person you will be rich, just magnified. Money doesn’t change people it just exaggerates who they are, so to speak.

I believe in much the same way, hard times don’t come to break us or discourage us, but rather to test who we are. It is one thing to be our best when things are sailing along smoothly, but when trials arise will we keep the same joy, enthusiasm, and expectant heart? Will we allow the struggle to help us grow our faith or will we crumble in discouragement?

Do the Right Thing

I read a wonderful quote by Norman Vincent Peale:

I (the author, Norman Vincent Peale) assured him (the character in the story) that whatever he did that was right would turn out right. One never does wrong by doing right. I urged him to put the matter in God’s hand and simply do the right thing, leaving the outcome to God.

This spoke volumes to me, as I believe it did to several others with whom I shared it. Do the right thing and leave the outcome to God. You never do wrong by doing right.

True, there is that little voice in the back of our mind that wants us to question if we have done the right thing. What if what we did messes everything up? But no! You never do wrong by doing right! It will often be difficult and hard, but that doesn’t mean it is wrong. Have courage and stand strong, knowing that God has the details.

I love to remember that God isn’t surprised by the trials and struggles, the hard times and heartbreaks. He sees them all and is weaving them into a wonderfully beautiful story unique to you!

How Do We Know the Right Thing To Do?

If only there was a simple and easy answer. But I guess to some degree, there is – ask God. Seek God’s direction, follow His lead, be sensitive to His promptings.

Make knowing God a lifelong pursuit. Read and meditate on His Word daily. Write Scripture references and post them around your home.

Something else interesting I have read recently is that we need to absorb Scripture much like we would adapt our lives to our doctors suggestions. For optimal physical health we are recommended to get a decent amount of sleep, drink plenty of water, eat a balanced diet, get exercise, etc.

For optimal Spiritual health, we should fill our mind with God’s Words. One idea is to repeat a Scripture reference ten times a day. Once in the morning as you wake up, again as you pour your coffee. Driving to work recite these words again, sincerely and expectantly. Repeat throughout the day intentionally. Struggling with your attitude or feeling a bit down, repeat your verse!

I Can Do All Things Through Christ

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. -Phil 4:13

Even if nothing else changes in your life but your spiritual attitude, you are guaranteed a more positive and fulfilling life! And how much better will you serve God than with a fresh and expectant attitude?!

One thing I love about this verse from Philippians is that it reminds us very specifically where our strength comes from – Christ. We have no need to rely on our own strength, but rather expectantly look to God for superhuman strength that only He can give. He is not surprised by your circumstances and will give you grace and strength in abundance if you will remember to look to Him!

This doesn’t just apply to “important” people doing “real” work. This applies to you and me too – if we will keep our eyes on God and follow His lead, trusting Him for the outcome. God cares about the minutest of details. He loves to bless His people and what better way can we serve Him than to flourish where He has us?

I Can Do All Things Well

One last note I want to add:

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. – Col 3:23

Knowing that we can do all things through Christ who gives us strength, let us determine that all that we do be done well. Not done at but done well. Anyone can make haphazard efforts at things, but will you do your work well – thoroughly and happily?

Simple is fine, there is a time for extra touches and a time for simplicity, just be sure you do it well.

Let me just encourage you one more time that it is never wrong to do the right thing. Cast out doubts in your mind and instead fill it with reminders of God’s Word. He has the details well in hand and I promise you, He has amazing things ahead if you will but surrender to Him and follow His lead.

Until Next Time!


PS. What is a verse you want to fill your day with? Feel free to share below!

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