Growing Up Today

Growing Up Today

Growing up today is interesting. Being in my mid-30s now, I personally think of myself as being grown, but there’s still so much to learn.

I guess technically I get the impression that you never quit growing up – ideally, anyway. There is always more to learn, corrections to make and projects to do.

Looking around at kids now is interesting. Some impress me and strike me that they are doing well, while others don’t have a clue about the importance of maturing.

Looking Past Yourself

One of the keys to maturity, in my opinion, is learning to look past yourself. Not defaulting to the self-centered subject of your own personal comfort and ease. That being said, I’m not indicating you need to make life hard on yourself, just pay attention to your life goals and efforts. Do you do what you do to please God and represent Him well or is your intention simply to coast?

Does it strike you that no matter the topic that we discuss, God comes into it? That’s because He is the most important thing in our lives and we must consider Him in all we do. We weigh our actions and responses based on His word. We learn to love based on how He loves us. He is everything and without Him we are nothing.

To a certain degree, we must forget ourselves and our own comforts. Our main focus should be on doing our work well and serving others – that is how we bring glory to His name.

Forget Your Feelings

Feelings are highly deceptive. You can feel on top of the world one moment and with a small change in the wind – something someone says or perhaps remembering something from your past – you can feel upset and hurt. Feeling are incredibly volatile.

As you grow up you need to learn to forget your feelings and decide how you will respond to things. Some people may trigger us, but instead of jumping into those feelings that are triggered, we need to decide how we want to respond. What is the best possible way to handle the situation? And then choose that response. Not wait for those feelings, not see how it makes you feel, but decide what the proper response would be and choose it.

I once had someone tell me that they didn’t think it was right to change who they were for anyone else. And I get that to a certain degree. But I look at it differently. If someone inspires you to step up, be a better version of yourself, it would behoove (how’s that for a word?!) you to make that effort and let go of your former parameters.

Let me add just a little aside. I’m talking emotional feelings here, because they can go all over the place. Emotions are highly volatile. But on the other hand, sometimes I get a feeling about a person, just a little warning of sorts. Those feelings are important to pay attention to, those are not the feelings to ignore. Especially as women, I think it is vitally important to be cautious and if something doesn’t sit right and we got the warning feeling: listen to it. So the feelings to forget are the dramatic, emotional type, not the gut feeling that warns us about another person or situation. Just wanted to be clear!

The Ultimate Goal

If your goal is to be your best for God and for those around you – which as a Christian should be your ultimate goal – then letting go of things that limit and hold you back is essential.

Addictions are limiting and very real and keep you from excellent performance. I’ll show you a bit of tough love and tell you that this life isn’t about you. It’s about the purpose God has created you to fulfill and your responsibility to give Him your best. There is a saying and it is such a relevant reminder, “You’ve never been as old as you are today and you’ll also never be this young again. Make your day count.

Don’t let anything become an addiction in your life – be it alcohol, drugs, certain foods, coffee, or other non-essentials. If you can’t fathom giving it up if it became necessary, than it is an addiction. If you value a consumable over important relationships, than either those relationships aren’t so important or you have an addiction you need to deal with.

And I’m the first person to jump at the chance to go get coffee. I have a cup or two (who are we kidding, sometimes three!) a day. But I have literally made the commitment that if I thought it was necessary to set it aside, I would. It’s not essential, it is a luxury. And quite honestly, I enjoy it! It gives me a nice boost and enhances my work.

Growing Up Today

Growing up today looks different than it did in the past, but I think that’s always the case. Each generation has their own trials to work through. It’s what you do with those trials that make you who you are. And another important thing to remember about growing up today is that you are equipped! God didn’t accidentally create you now instead of back in the 1950s. He purposefully and intentionally created you for today so that you could fill a role that only you can fill!

Look to Him, ask Him what He has for you, and build a personal relationship with Him. As you get ready for your day, ask Him to direct your steps. Invite Him to play an active role in your life. Growing up today is no more difficult than any other time, but the key is to remember to keep God first. The world is distracting and our peers often do their own thing. Never be afraid to be different from those around you – and when I say different I mean holy and set apart. You don’t get extra points for being one of the cool kids.

The world celebrates perverted things. God calls His people to be set apart, to hold fast to His principles, to serve others well and do our work to honor Him. It is all in what you focus on. Growing up today is the same as it was one hundred years ago if your focus is on God and His laws. He never changes, His guidelines never change. The world shifts and changes depending on the direction of the wind, but God’s Word is forever.

I pray this has inspired and encouraged you! Remember you are made for such a time as this! With God for you, who dare be against you? You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

Until Next Time!


PS. This really encourages my heart:

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