Seasons Change

Seasons Change blog

Seasons change four times a year. Some seasons are mild while others are extreme.

Personally, I’m one for the in-between seasons – fall and spring – where it’s not too hot and not too cold. I’m not much of one for extremes.

And I think I could say the same of life, I’m not too keen on extremes. When things are crazy busy or snail-ishly (I don’t even pretend to think that’s a word, but you get the point) slow.

I believe as Christians it is our job to bloom where we are planted, to find the beauty in every season. This is something I am working on, and I invite you to join me!


Let’s just consider the seasons of life like the seasons of the year. We are currently approaching spring so it seems a good place to start.

Spring is a refreshing, inspiring time of year! Possibilities present themselves, new dreams are realized! What a picture spring paints for us, no wonder it is one of my favorite seasons!

I was reading last night and I read something I hadn’t specifically put my finger on, but I think makes a world of sense. It is vital for people to have a dream in their heart. Now it was specifically talking about the younger generation, but I’m going to add to that and say I think it is important to have a dream, a vision for the future, no matter your age.

Somehow the spring weather is so fresh it reminds us that there are so many possibilities before us! The cold of winter wears off and we have a newfound desire to step up and step out. Incredible things happen when you begin to dream new dreams!


I’ve developed a new appreciation for summer. I live in the south so summer is very hot, but I’ve finally had the sense to make the most of it! After work some days I’ll drive down to the water and soak up the sand and the sun. Other times I’ll visit a park and delight in all the beautiful flowers.

Summer is a bit of a challenge for me because business slows down some. But if I can be smart and lean in to this season, I can realize what a blessing slower days are. Work that hasn’t been getting done can be caught up. And all this catch up can lead to new dreams and ideas!

This is also a perfect opportunity to plan for winter. At the shop, winter is the busiest time of the year and we do our best to make the most of it! Holiday stock is beginning to come in and we are strategizing when to run sales and bring out product. These slow days of summer really are the perfect opportunity to plan ahead.

Life is so much what we make of it. Look for the good and do your best to make the most of each season!


We’ve now arrived at my favorite season – fall! I have no idea why it is my favorite, it just is. The hot days of summer are slowly slipping away and slightly cooler temps are beginning to sneak in. Days are getting shorter and also busier – what a combination! When able, I still love to slip away for a drive or a quick adventure after work. It just refreshes me and helps me better appreciate what I do.

At work, more and more inventory is coming in for winter and our stock room is typically bursting at the seams at this point. We also get to celebrate another year in business in the fall so like to plan a special customer appreciation day.

Ideally, over the summer I’ve made personal goals for this season and I will work on those. Be it going through my things to pass on what I no longer use or wear or finishing up projects that I’ve been working on, having a plan really does work wonders in getting things done!


Last but not least, we’ve made it to winter! Being in retail, this is typically our busiest time of the year. We get to see customers and friends we haven’t seen in a while. Not to mention the fresh cooked treats people share. The hustle and bustle and holiday cheer is lovely.

But what about personally? Don’t let the busyness of work keep you from thinking ahead to the upcoming year. Work isn’t (or shouldn’t be) your whole life. Take a moment – an evening, an afternoon, a piece of time – and let your mind dream.

If time and money wasn’t a limitation, where would you want to be next year? What’s that little dream deep, down in your heart that seems too impractical to claim? God has a fascinating way of clearing the way and bringing things together when we step out in faith.

Fear says something is too impractical, faith says I’ll give it my best and see what happens!

Seasons Change

I mean this as a sister and a friend to you, don’t ever let yourself feel stuck in a rut. Seasons change and there is magic in new beginnings!

Let go of things past, remember the good, and press on to what’s ahead! Delight in this life and in the people around you. And one of the most important things I could encourage you to do – look past yourself. Your past, what you’ve been through, may have been terribly hard. But you have the ability to take that and let it shape your character into something finer that can serve God even better.

I’ve learned that things that have hurt me in the past still hurt when I look back on them. So I’m done at looking at what hurts. I wouldn’t trade a day of my life or a moment of my past because it has – ideally – helped me grow and taught me how to better serve God. And that’s what life is all about – bringing glory to God and serving others well.

May God bless you in this new year!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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