A Change for the Better

A Change for the Better

I’ve heard more than once that people don’t change. And I get it. We can all be hardheaded and resistant to change.

But the other day I randomly read a quote that I thought was interesting. It went something along the lines of, “Remember, if you don’t like how things are now, you can always make a change.” Though an obvious statement, I thought it was a good reminder.

I think with a sincere heart and serious effort, a change for the better is always an option!


It strikes me that life is made up of choices and habits. If you think you can’t change, you probably won’t. Not because it’s impossible, but because you’ve made up your mind that you can’t.

But if instead of thoughts of defeat and failure, you set your mind to implementing important changes, you would see incredible results! As Scripture tells us – as a man thinks, so is he – the mind is an incredible tool!

What are some habits that you can break or implement to help you change for the better? Be sure that as you work to break bad habits you intentionally replace them with good habits. Bad habits and choices don’t just go away and disappear into thin air, they have to be overcome strategically.

Change your habits and you’ll change your life!


It is amazing to me how much of my self-talk in my head is affected by wording. If I know I’m being hard-headed about something, I like to take some time to really think on it. Figure a better perspective so I can get the right attitude towards it.

How do I know what the right attitude is about something? Sometimes it is glaringly obvious. But to be honest, even when the answer is obvious I can still struggle with a very real stubbornness towards it. Other times, situations are more vague to me and I have to really look to determine what I think.

Sometimes when people are waiting on me to make choices it can be quite intimidating. But I am learning to let a spirit of calm confidence fill me. I quietly remind myself that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, and I thank God for guiding me.

Choices and decisions don’t need to cripple us. We should rise to the occasion and press forward confidently. As the Bible says, “We are not given a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.

Whenever I feel uncertainty try to sneak in, I remind myself that God did not give me a spirit of fear and timidity. That really has been an incredible boost to my confidence!

Make the Change

If you are reading this today pondering a change you need to make, consider if this change helps you better serve God, and if so, make it. Don’t go over in your head exclusions or exemptions of why you want to question this. If a change is the right thing to do, then do it.

The world will confuse you and cause you to second guess. It is essential that you be more in tune with what God’s Word says about life rather than what the world says. The world will say that you can’t change, God’s Word says you can be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

A change for the better is absolutely possible with the right tools – Scripture, prayer and determination. This doesn’t mean it will be easy, but it will certainly be worth it! May God bless you with a clear vision and the courage to pursue it!

What is a change you want to make in this new year to more fully step into the role God has for you? Incredible possibilities lie open before you!

Until Next Time!


PS. Decision making can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/07/11/decisions-decisions/

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