Dare to Dream

Dare to Dream

There is a whole world of possibility before you, if you dare to dream!

You may wonder, what gives some the ability to live lives full of opportunities that others only dream about? I’ve come to believe it is largely because only a select few have the courage and boldness to pursue those dreams!

Dreaming is exciting, but also a little scary. There are so many unknowns and what ifs that pop into your mind. That’s why courage is so necessary. Courage helps you rally and press on, even in the face of roadblocks and snafus. Boldness helps you dream these dreams and gives you a glimpse of being able to accomplish them!

Learn to Dream

I don’t really think everyone is a dreamer. But I think it is a way of thinking that can be learned. Dreams might start out as a seemingly random thought in the back of your mind.

For instance, personally, I had never even considered owning a clothing boutique. But one day while delivering shipping supplies to a boutique owner, a random thought hit me. How did she get such a pretty job, and I wound up doing something so industrial?

I didn’t mean this as a “woe is me” pondering, it was just curious. Like me, she owned her own business. We were equals, so to speak. What gave her the opportunity that I couldn’t also claim?

Realization of a Dream

They say realization of a problem is the first step in fixing it. I think the realization of a dream is the first step in pursuing it!

Selling shipping supplies was never my plan. It just sort of happened, there was a need and I filled it. But along and along I realized I was able to choose something else. And I think that is enormous – realizing you can choose other things. You aren’t really locked into what you are doing.

How do you realize your dreams? Pause and ponder – if time and money weren’t an issue, what would I pursue? Odds are you will have to work at something in life, so why not choose something you would enjoy and get excited about?!

Even if your dream seems far out there, start planning for it. Claim it as a five year goal and then start inching your way towards it.

Commitment to a Dream

Once you decide on or realize your dream, be committed to it. Make sure it lines up with your morals and beliefs. If you truly want to pursue it, you can’t waver back and forth.

Read books about your dream line of work. Talk to your friends about it. Perhaps you know someone in that line already, see if you can help them part time to learn more. There is nothing like real life experience.

Step fully into your dream, think about it, learn about it, talk about it, imagine yourself achieving it. This isn’t to say you need to deny reality, but rather you need to remember how to dream! Sometimes I think real life kicks in and we lose a bit of our imagination, so I’m encouraging you to rediscover it!

Realize that every day you are coming closer and closer to living the life of your dreams. You can get lost in the monotony of everyday life or you can realize the adventure and potential. I read a quote that went along these lines:

You’ve got to start romanticizing your life. Start believing that your morning commute is pretty and fun, that every cup of coffee is the best you’ve ever had, that even the smallest and most mundane things are exciting and new. You have to, because that’s when you start truly living. That’s when you look forward to every day.

Dare to Dream

Don’t you love that description above, the picture it paints?! I don’t know about you, but I think I know people who seem to live like that – and I admire it! Because the reality of it is, they have trials and struggles in life just like you and me, it is all in how they respond to them!

So let’s start romanticizing our lives! Let’s realize that even the smallest and seemingly mundane things are interesting and exciting! Let’s wake up each day excited and eager to see what’s ahead!

Take the opportunity to dream. Ask God what He would have you pursue. Put on your thinking cap, think of what you admire around you, even take a little drive to a beautiful location that inspires you. Take a moment to pray, dream, and anticipate what’s ahead!

Until Next Time!


PS. Would you care to share what you are working towards?! Send me an email at hope@theamericanlady.com or contact me here. I look forward to hearing from you!

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