Something to Anticipate

Something to Anticipate blog

I just love having something to anticipate! Be it seeing a friend, taking a drive to a pretty place, or an interesting book.

Having something to anticipate keeps life engaging and interesting. And I think it is important to create these moments in everyday life. Why go through the days uninspired and ho-hum when you can make small, intentional choices to add interest?! How you do this is up to you, but let me give you a few ideas to get your creativity flowing!

Find an Interesting Event to Attend or Place to Visit

I always enjoy finding new places to visit or interesting events to attend. We are surrounded by beautiful plantations where I live and they often have special events showcasing different aspects of running the plantations. You can learn so much about the history of the families and different places. It is quite enjoyable!

We also have lovely waterfront parks and beaches nearby. I love the water and to me there is nothing more peaceful than enjoying the sunshine on the water. Granted if we lived closer to the mountains I’d go enjoy them too! Being outdoors is a treat and I love to see the beauty of God’s creation!

Plan a Visit with a Family Member or Friend

Life is so busy sometimes the best way to get a chance to visit with family and friends is to set aside a day or afternoon!

I rather think that time is my love language, so it means a lot when I’m able to spend time with people I love!

Another reason I like to plan a visit is that I am terrible (or really good) about filling my time jam-packed full, so I rarely have down time that I’m looking to fill. When I plan ahead to take time to enjoy family or friends, it gives me something to anticipate and look forward to!

Find an Interesting New Book or Movie

I really enjoy a good book or movie, so when I find one that looks interesting it definitely gives me something to anticipate!

I like motivational books, but also enjoy historical or fictional books, just depending on who and what they’re about. I have a few books purchased ahead that I anticipate getting through. I used to read a good bit, but then got out of the habit. Lately I’ve been getting back to it and have been working my way through them.

Take up a New Hobby or Learn a New Skill

Sometimes one of the best things to anticipate is something that takes you out of your regular routine. Consider taking up a hobby or learning a new skill – it can be quite rewarding and a whole lot of fun in the process!

Think about what you admire and notice about others as you go about your day. Perhaps you admire your friends writing – take up Spencerian and master yours. Or perhaps you have a neighbor who has lovely flowers and plants, begin the process of reimagining your yard and porch.

Hobbies and skills give us a something to anticipate in that it shows us new ways to improve ourselves. Use these new found skills to bless others. Write a note to a friend practicing your new handwriting, or share a plant with a neighbor as you learn what does well where.

Something to Anticipate

Life is so much more than just schedules and work. It is how we touch people’s lives and represent God in the process. Finding joy and satisfaction in what we do is essential. True, we will often be anticipating what’s ahead, what’s next, but I’d argue that’s a good thing.

God has remarkable plans for us, for our good and not for our harm. It is our duty to step up each day and represent Him to the best of our ability! If you will give your best and find something to anticipate, you will be well on your way to a fulfilling and rewarding life.

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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