Relationship Advice

May I share some relationship advice with you? I have no idea where you are in life, but maybe this will speak directly to you. Or perhaps you are well set in your relationships and it’s not really applicable. I share this advice and these thoughts not because I have everything figured out, but rather […]

How to Navigate Relationships Well

How To Navigate Relationships Well blog

Do you know how to navigate relationships well? It is essential to know and practice if you are going to be your best in life! Relationships are vitally important. It is how you relate to those around you – be they your friends, family, or a blossoming romantic interest. Each relationship you have should inspire […]

Slow Down Summer

Slow Down Summer

Why couldn’t you slow down summer? I heard the song playing on the radio and had to agree just a bit. Even though summer can be a bit quieter at the shop (I think largely due to the hot weather), work on other levels hasn’t slowed at all. And that got me to thinking how […]

Mindset Shift

Mindset Shift blog

A mindset shift is an amazingly powerful thing. It can take any situation and make sense of it. And once you’ve made sense of something you can begin to understand and wrap your mind around it. A mindset shift doesn’t erase struggles or pain, but it does help put them in their proper light. Mindset […]

Things Could Not Be Better

Things Could Not Be Better

Things could not be better. The thought mulled around in my head. They really could not be better. I was being literal, no sarcasm intended. If you truly believe that God is working all things together for your good, things could not be better. I just sat there and considered the truth of the statement. […]

Lean In

Lean In blog

Time is an incredible asset, perhaps one of the most valuable in the world. One doesn’t really get gifted time as one might be gifted possessions or money. We must learn to take the time we have and make the most of it. How can we be sure that we use this gift well? In […]

Look Past Yourself

Look Past Yourself

Recently I’ve been reading a book on relationships. Specifically relationships between men and women. I’ve always heard (and believe it to be true) that men and women think very differently, and I want to be the best I can be in my relationship so thought this book might give me some insight. As I read […]

The Power of Prayer

Power of Prayer

Prayer is exceptionally powerful! I find it incredibly fascinating and have recently been discovering new depths to it that I haven’t realized before! Prayer is a curious thing, really. You can use it as a tool to help others and to draw you closer to God, or you can not utilize it and miss out […]



Relationships are designed by God for His people. But just because they are created by God does not mean that they are straightforward and easy all the time. They are a continual learning experience that we must cherish and value! Being from a large family, I have the joy of interacting with many people in […]