Mindset Shift

Mindset Shift blog

A mindset shift is an amazingly powerful thing. It can take any situation and make sense of it. And once you’ve made sense of something you can begin to understand and wrap your mind around it.

A mindset shift doesn’t erase struggles or pain, but it does help put them in their proper light. Mindset is all about your perspective. Shifting your mindset allows you to see things from a different perspective, a new vantage point.

What Is Your Mindset?

Your mindset is how you look at and see things. It can be good, bad, or indifferent. It largely effects your attitude and your outlook.

Can you control your mindset? Absolutely! You have to choose to, make the effort to, and put in the work, but you can absolutely develop an optimal mindset.

Here is an interesting thing I’ve come across lately – instead of trying to get rid of the negative or less desirable in your life or outlook, pursue good, lovely, wonderful things. Don’t give the discouraging time of day, but focus on things that encourage you!

The idea is that if you try to get rid of negatives, you might be successful temporarily, but after a time they or something like them will return. What you need to do instead is fill your mind, life, and heart with God’s promises and encouragement! In time, you will overflow with these beautiful things, pushing out the negative and discouraging things of the past.

Can You Really Change?

You are who you are, can you really change? Believe me, I’ve gone over this so many times. I’ve heard that people never change, and yet I’ve heard others discovered something worth changing for.

I’m here to remind you that with man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. This doesn’t mean they are probable, but they are possible. With a sincere desire to serve God well, to be our best, and to set aside our own desires, there is nothing we cannot accomplish! God changes hearts all the time!

So next time you hear someone say that people can’t change, understand that it is a choice you (or they) make. I’m not saying it is easy, but pursuing a life for God is beyond worth any trial you may face. You can choose to change or you can choose to stay the same, it really is that simple and that complicated.

Mindset Shift

Now let’s talk about a mindset shift. We’ve discussed it before and it applies to every area of life. How you look at something largely dictates your attitude towards it.

With jobs, tasks, work, or school, when you carry a chip around on your shoulder and think of all you have to do, life is going to be a drag. You’re likely to get frazzled, tired and worn out. But when you realize that you are surrounded by opportunities that you get to do, your whole mindset shifts! You see potential and have a certain enthusiasm for your day!

Mindset is especially important in relationships too. I see and hear about women who are embracing and claiming singleness. Now that’s all well and good, but that’s not really for me. To me being single, especially after having been in a relationship previously, could look, feel, and sound discouraging.

So what if we changed the narrative? Instead of thinking of yourself as single, why not see yourself as available?! Available for what God has for you next, available for adventure, available for living your best life, and yes, available for that remarkable man God has in your future!

Talk about a mindset shift! Single sounds rather lonely and depressing to me. Available sounds vibrant, energetic and like the type of person I want to be! And besides, as I told a friend, when you have God you can’t count yourself as single!

Mindset Matters

How you think about something is so important. Always remember that if you are giving God your best, everything that comes your way is for your good! With that knowledge you can be certain that no matter what, God is working in the details!

That doesn’t mean there won’t be trials and disappointments, but rather when they come you can be sure that God will help you navigate them well. And they are only for a season, you will one day find yourself on the other side, stronger, smarter, and better equipped for what’s ahead!

Until Next Time!


PS. https://www.theamericanlady.com/2022/06/29/guard-your-heart/

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