Happy Surprises

Happy Surprises blog

How do you feel about happy surprises? Do you love them and look forward to them? Or are you more the type who doesn’t like to be surprised?

I love a good surprise! Something that delights, encourages, and refreshes! Even the most simple of things – someone popping in the store for a minute, receiving a text or letter from a loved one, a kind neighbor who shares fresh produce, etc.

And I confess, as much as I love surprises I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about them. I do my work and go about my day in a happy, but typical way.

But Now That Has Changed!

I read something brief about surprises and it inspired me, it gave me a whole new perspective and adds so much to my days!

I have made it a habit to expect a pleasant surprise each day and it has never failed to come to pass with one exception; and that is, the degree of the surprise depends on the degree of faith I put into my expectancy. If I am very sure, lukewarm, or cool – to that degree will the surprise come to pass.

Isn’t that so fascinating?! We can anticipate pleasant surprises and according to our faith we will see them come to pass!

It might be in the form of encouragement from a stranger, a good sale or contract in work, a boost at home, bumping into the right person at the right time, etc. There is no telling what the surprise will be, but people can be so quick to predict doom and gloom – why not predict happy surprises instead?!

Happy Surprises

As I go about my day, I feel anticipation well up inside me. What happy surprises will You show me today, Lord? Thank You for showing me Your love in this way!

And as something happens, be it a delivery that I have been waiting on that comes a day early, work that somehow comes together faster than it should have, or a larger than usual sale, I smile to myself as I say, I know that was from You! Thank you!

But I don’t stop there! I praise God and thank Him for the boost and encouragement, but then I say, okay, what’s next?!

And let me just add, this doesn’t only work for me because I live a charmed life. Sometimes I think people think I do. But my life is very real. I face frustrations and trials and suffering in my day just like everyone else. Perhaps to a certain degree you could say my life is charmed or uncommonly good, but that is only because I work on my attitude to press on and to see the good and to give God my best. It is not because I am somehow insulated from real world struggles and trials.

Anticipate the Good

Is it a little out of your comfort zone to anticipate the good? Perhaps it is, but just think how quick we can be to identify with the negative. “Sales are slow, my back is aching, that’s just how people are, etc.”

But what if instead of declaring those things you started anticipating happy surprises?! Expect something extra special to happen at least once a day, and then when it does thank God for it!

As the saying goes, When you focus on the good, the good gets better!

Anticipate the good and look forward to happy surprises! It truly will brighten your day, put a pep in your step, and help you represent and serve God all the better!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/

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